Exporting Endpoints
ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) enables you to export endpoints to a file. You simply filter the display to show the endpoints you wish to export in the Endpoints page of the Web Console, and provide the location for the export file. A .CSV file is created in the format: Endpoints - YYYY-MM-DD—HH-MM.
To export Endpoints to a .CSV file
Navigate to Configuration > Endpoint Managment > Endpoints.
Click the Endpoints tab.
If required, filter the Endpoints list to include only those endpoints you want to export (for details, see Filtering Endpoints).
Click the Export to CSV button displayed above the Endpoints list.
Select the location to where you want to export the content.
All the Endpoints in the current page will be exported to a .CSV file in the format: Endpoints - YYYY-MM-DD—HH-MM in the specified location.