Installing the ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Databases

This topic describes how to install the ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Databases and attaching them to the SQL server machine.

ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Databases are crucial to ITM On-Prem operations. The databases store both the software configuration and the captured textual data, such as what pieces of software the users interacted with or what websites the users navigated.

The diagram below shows the file server and the SQL database. The SQL database is installed after you configure the file server.

The DB install process can also be run directly on the SQL Server.

The database installer requires .NET Framework 4.7.2

The time displayed in the Web Console is defined by the time zone of the database. Therefore, both the Web Console and Database are installed with the same time zone.

Installing the ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Databases with PowerShell

You can use the following PowerShell commands to install the ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Databases. (This is the recommended procedure.) 

Optionally, you can use the Database Installer, see Installing the ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Databases.


  1. Connect (with RDP) to the server that will host the ITM On-Prem Web Console component as the Active Directory Service Account.

  2. Download the ITM On-Prem installer into c:\temp and extract the contents. (See Downloading the Latest Version.)

    (For the following, assume the installer files are extracted to c:\temp\ObserveIT_Setup_vx.xx.y.yy path, where x.xx the major ITM On-Prem version, and y.yy is the minor version and build.)

  3. Run PowerShell.

  4. Execute the command:

    $observeitInstallerPath = "c:\temp\ObserveIT_Setup_vx.xx.y.yy"

    Replace the x.xx.y.yy the ITM On-Prem version you downloaded.

  5. Execute the command:

    Start-Process "$observeitInstallerPath\DB\SQLPackage.exe" -ArgumentList "/server:<# FQDN of the SQL Server #>", "/makedatabase", "/quiet" -Wait

    Replace <# FQDN #> with the FQDN of your SQL Server.

    • If you are using a custom port, using the following convention: <# FQDN #>,<# Port number #>

    • If you are using a custom-named SQL Server instance, use the following convention: <# FQDN #>\<# Instance name #>

    PowerShell returns to the command prompt after the installation is complete.

  6. Validate the installation completed successfully by executing the command:

    Get-Content "$observeitInstallerPath\DB\Sql_Setup.txt" | Select-String -Pattern "Package executed successfully"

  7. If successful, Package executed successfully displays.

    If you see anything else, open a ticket with the Proofpoint Technical Support team (see Custom Installation Troubleshooting), and attach the SQL Setup.txt file located in the ITM On-Prem installer's DB folder.

Related Topic:

Custom Installation Steps.