Installing ObserveIT Web Management Console

The ObserveIT Web Console is the component that is used to configure, administer and use the product. Multiple Web Consoles can be installed in an environment for redundancy purposes.

In most cases, the Web Console is installed on the same machine as the Application Server (the first one, in case of multiple Application Servers). However, it’s also possible to configure a dedicated machine for this.

Before you can verify the Web Console installation you must install the SQL Native client. This lets you work with ObserveIT REST APIs.

Installing the SQL Native Client


  1. Download the file:

  2. After downloading, execute the sqlncli.msi file, and follow the wizard to complete the installation.

(Powershell - Automatic)

Open PowerShell as administrator and paste the following commands to execute above steps automatically.

The below command assumes the ObserveIT installer is located under the C:\Temp\ObserveIT-_Setup_v7.8.2.270 path. After the execution of below command, the installation wizard starts – just follow the prompts.

Start-Process "C:\Temp\ObserveIT_Setup_v7.8.2.270\Web\PreRequisite_nodeServices.exe" -Wait
Start-Process "C:\Temp\ObserveIT_Setup_v7.8.2.270\Web\sqlncli-2012-64-QFE.msi" -Wait
iisreset /stop
Get-Service WAS | Start-Service
Start-Process msiexec -ArgumentList '/i', "C:\Temp\ObserveIT_Setup_v7.8.2.270\Web\WebConsole\ObserveIT.WebConsoleSetup.msi", '/norestart', 'EXTRACTMICROSERVICES=True', '/l*v ObserveITWebConsole_setup.txt' -Wait
iisreset /start

Verifying the Web Management Console installation

  1. Connect to the ObserveIT Web Console machine.

  2. Open the Start menu and type Run. Enter.

  3. Type %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp. Enter.

  4. Locate WebConsole_CA_Log.txt file. Double-click the file to open it.

  5. Open the Find dialog. (Press CTRL+F on the keyboard.) Find RegisterWebConsole.

  6. Locate the following line: RegisterWebConsole: Done.

If the line does not exist or the word Done does not exist – the installation failed. Re-check the installation requirements, particularly the permissions for the SQL logins created previously in this guide.

Related Topics:

Installing ObserveIT Components

Installing ObserveIT Application Server

Installing the Screenshots Storage Optimizer

Installing the Website Categorization Module

Verifying the ObserveIT Services Identity

** Go toCustom Installation Steps.