Installing ObserveIT Application Server

Depending on the sizing and architecture of the product deployment, you must install one or more ObserveIT Application Server(s).

This Application server is installed after you install the database and file server.

This topic describes how to install and verify the ObserveIT Application Server component on the first server. If you have multiple Application Servers, you need to repeat this procedure for each machine.

Do not attempt to install ObserveIT server-side components over the network. Always use a local copy of the installation files.

Verifying Application Server Installation

  1. Connect to the ObserveIT Web Console machine.

  2. Open the Start menu and type Run. Enter.

  3. Type %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp. Enter.

  4. Locate AppServer_CA_Log.txt file. Double-click the file to open it.

  5. Open the Find dialog. (Press CTRL+F on the keyboard.) Find RegisterApplicationServer

  6. Locate the following line: RegisterApplicationServer: Done.

If the line does not exist or the word Done does not exist – the installation failed. Re-check the installation requirements, particularly the permissions for the SQL logins.

Installing Additional ObserveIT Application Servers

Depending on your deployment design and the number of concurrent recorded sessions, you may need to deploy additional ObserveIT Application Servers.

Before installing an additional Application Server, you must obtain a valid license from the ObserveIT Sales team.

When deploying more than one Application Server, you need to load balance the Agent connections with the multiple Application Servers.

(See Load Balancing.)

The steps required to install additional Application Server(s) and verify its successful installation are identical to the steps required for installing and verifying the first Application Server.

Related Topics:

Installing ObserveIT Components

Installing ObserveIT Web Management Console

Installing the Screenshots Storage Optimizer

Installing the Website Categorization Module

Verifying the ObserveIT Services Identity

** Go toCustom Installation Steps.