Installing the Screenshots Storage Optimizer

ObserveIT can store sessions with full video recording in the file system or in the SQL database. Archiving full sessions with many screenshots takes up processor time and bandwidth.

If configured, ObserveIT will store sessions on "Hot" Solid State Drive (SSD) based devices to provide faster session archiving. After sessions stored in the SSD-based Hot storage are closed and signed, the Screenshots Storage Optimizer packs and zips session video on an SSD-based "Warm" storage device. This speeds the archiving process and uses less processor time.After sessions stored in the SSD-based Hot storage are closed and signed, the Screenshots Storage Optimizer packs and zips session video on a "Warm" storage device. This speeds the archiving process and uses less processor time."

The required SSD grade for the hot storage is a fast Mixed Use (MU).

After installation, the Screenshots Storage Optimizer must be configured.

The Screenshots Storage Optimizer can be installed anywhere on the same domain as the ObserveIT Application server and Web Console. It must have access to the “Hot” and “Warm” storage folders. More specifically, we recommended installing it directly to the SSD-based "Hot" storage drive where the "Hot" storage folder is configured.

Access to Advanced Web Console Setup is required to complete the Screenshot Optimizer installation.


Screenshot Storage Optimizer Wizard

  1. Open the wizard using manual or automatic installation.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Install in the default folder or browse to the folder you want. Click Next.

  4. Select the authentication method. Click Next.

  5. Enter the locations. Click Test Connection.

  6. If the test is successful, click Next. The installation starts.

  7. When complete, click Close.

    When the Wizard is done, continue with Advanced Web Console Setup.

Related Topics:

Installing ObserveIT Components

Installing ObserveIT Application Server

Installing ObserveIT Web Management Console

Installing the Website Categorization Module

Verifying the ObserveIT Services Identity

version 7.10.1