Auditing Logins

For auditing purposes, ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) enables you to track details about user logins to the Web Console, including whether the login was successful.

Each time a user logs in to the Web Console, an audit entry is created.

To view the user logins to the Web Console

  1. Navigate to the ConfigurationSecurity & PrivacyAuditLogins tab.

    For each user login, the Audit Logins list displays the following details:

  2. An indication of whether the login was successful or failed.

    • The date and time of the user login.

    • The Console User that accessed the Web Console.

    • The Domain name (if the Console User is configured with an external Active Directory or LDAP domain)

    • The Client IP address which was used to log on to the Web Console.

  3. You can filter the display of the Audit Logins list according to the following search criteria: Operator (Console User name), remote IP address of the management workstation, and date (Up To).