Installation Script Switches and Parameters

Following are the most commonly used switches and parameters for running an installation script for the Windows Agent.

MSIEXEC core switches

  • /quiet (optional): Quiet mode.

  • /norestart (optional): Does not require restart after install.

  • /leo (optional): Logging, error messages, and out of disk space messages.

ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) parameters

  • SERVERURL (mandatory): Directs communication to the specified Application Server. You can also specify the port number. For example: SERVERURL=”http://srv1:4884/ObserveITApplicationServer”.
    You can use a hostname, an FQDN, or an IP address.

    When using https you must use the Application Server’s Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the SERVERURL switch, and the port number can be omitted (unless a port other than the default 443 is used). For example: SERVERURL="

    Use the offline~ parameter at the beginning of the URL in order to direct the Agent not to register itself on the ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Application Server during the installation. This parameter should be used with the NoRunOnInstall="1" parameter, described below.

  • NoRunOnInstall (optional): Directs the Agent not to run after the installation was completed. Note that this parameter will NOT prevent the Agent from running upon the next time a user logs on to that system. This parameter should be used with the offline~ parameter described above. For example: NoRunOnInstall="1".

  • SRVPOLTMPL (optional): Server Policies Template to inherit policy-based configuration from upon installation. The default is "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", and it will point the Agent to the Default Configuration Policy. For example: SRVPOLTMPL="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000". For more information, see Creating Recording Policies.

  • NeverRegister="1" : Prevents the Agent from ever being registered with the master image machine name on the ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) system. Any other clone machine from that image can be registered with its own name, as long as the name is different to the original image name.

  • SELECTED_REGISTER_MODE: (optional) Specifies how the register the Agent with the Application server.

    • SELECTED_REGISTER_MODE="1": Normal registration
    • SELECTED_REGISTER_MODE="2": Unregistered
    • SELECTED_REGISTER_MODE="3": Master Image mode
  • PWD (optional): The password that is defined in the ITM On-Prem Web Console (default ""). For example: PWD="".

  • INSTALLDIR (optional): Use to specify the Agent installation directory.

  • WINSRVPORT (optional): Use for Agent API communication in case the default port 5050 is not available.

  • JWTFILE "C:\temp\settings.json" specifies the full path to the JWT file - UNC path isn't acceptable.

  • ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT= "1" (optional): Use to hide the ITM On-Prem (ObserveIT) Agent from the Add/Remove window in Control Panel.

  • /LEO: Logging with errors only, other options include: /L*VX log.txt

From 7.13.2, use the following for Proxy Server Installation;

  • ProxyType=0 No proxy (default)
  • ProxyType=1 Static proxy
  • ProxyType=2 Dynamic proxy
  • ProxyServerHostname="<URL/IP>"
  • ProxyServerPort="<Proxy Port>"
  • ProxyDomain="<Domain Login>"