Proofpoint | ObserveIT On-Premises Insider Threat Management
Downloading the Latest Version
When you're ready to install or update to a new version, you can download the files you need. Files are located in the Proofpoint Community portal in the Insider Threat Management (ITM) area.
From version 7.12.0, before deploying, you must download the JWT file with authentication details. (See Configuring Service Settings.)
You need a username and password.
Log in to Proofpoint Communities portal.
From the Insider Threat Management (ITM) area, select Product Downloads.
Click the link to the version you want (usually the most recent).
From the version page, click the download link.
The following folders are included:
- DB: Contains the setup files for the 4 ObserveIT SQL databases
- DB_Analytics: Contains the setup files for the ObserveIT analytics database
- Mac Agent: Contains the Mac agent install binaries
- ScreenshotsStorageOptimizer: Optimizes screenshot storage for efficiency
- Unix-Linux Agent: Various unix/linux agent install packages
- Web: Contains the Web console and application server packages
- WebsiteCat: Contains the new ObserveIT web categorization module
- Winagent64bit: Contains the ObserveIT windows agent for 64 bit systems
- WinAgentUpdater32bit: Contains the Updater It.Updater(x86).msi installer for Windows 32 bit. You must install the Updater the first time you use it.
- WinAgentUpdater64bit: Contains the Updater It.Updater(x64).msi installer for Windows 64 bit. You must install the Updater the first time you use it. (See Agent Auto Upgrade.)
The Typical Installer (OneClick) is no longer supported when installing or upgrading Windows Agents.
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