Proofpoint | ObserveIT On-Premises Insider Threat Management

Unauthorized Activity on Servers

Unauthorized Activity on Servers (Windows/Mac)

The following out-of-the-box alert rules are assigned to the (Windows/Mac) Category: UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITY ON SERVERS.



Accessing Social Media Sites from Server

An alert is triggered upon browsing to Social Media Sites on a machine that functions as a server. This action could indicate an intent to steal sensitive information from the server or to download files/folders to this server.

Installing software on Server

An alert is triggered upon running software installations on a machine that functions as a server. Usually servers are installed only with applications that are critical for performing their business tasks.

Running unauthorized email or webmail on Server

An alert is triggered upon running either a desktop email client or webmail (via a browser) on a machine that functions as a server. This operation could indicate an intent to take out sensitive information from the server or to download files.

Running unauthorized Instant Messaging application on Server

An alert is triggered upon running an Instant Messaging application on a machine that functions as a server. This operation could indicate an intent to steal sensitive information from the server or to download files/folders to this server.

version 7.12.4