Proofpoint | ObserveIT On-Premises Insider Threat Management

Enforcing mTLS by the Server

Use this option to validate mTLS communication. A system event is sent when the server-side does not enforce mTLS indicating that you need to configure the server-side for mTLS. The system event is triggered no more than one time per calendar week and only once per issue. It is not triggered again until the issue is fixed and then only if there is a new issue. A separate system event is sent when the issue is fixed.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Security & PrivacySecurity & Privacy and select the Security tab.

    The Applications Servers window opens

  2. In the Enforce MTLS by the Server area, check Trigger System Event when the server does not enforce MTLS.

  3. Click Update.

Related Topics:

Implementing Security and Privacy

version 7.12.4