Proofpoint | ObserveIT On-Premises Insider Threat Management

Duplicating Lists

Duplicating a List is preferable to creating a new List in cases where you want to change just a few of a List's properties.

The duplicated List will not be associated with any alert rule.

The duplicated list will be displayed in the Manage Lists table with the "- Copy" suffix; you can change the name to something more meaningful, if required.

To duplicate a List

  1. In the Manage Lists page (ConfigurationAlertsLists), click the Duplicate hyperlink that appears when you hover over the relevant List in the table. For example:

    The Create List page opens, displaying the name of the List with the "- copy" suffix. The Details and Items of the duplicated List are identical to the original one.

  2. You can edit the general properties and content of the duplicated List directly in this page (for details, see Creating Lists).


    You can click the duplicated List in the Manage Lists table to edit its details. For details, see Editing Lists.

version 7.12.4