Small-sized Installations

This section describes two types of small-sized installations. These installations are used for lower expected loads.

For exact details, contact ObserveIT customer support.

All-In-One Installation

In an All-In-One installation the expected load is low, so the Application Server, Web Console and Database Server are all installed on the same platform. This includes the file share used to store the recorded images. This platform can be a physical server or it can be a virtual machine.

ObserveIT can support up to 100 concurrently connected users in an “All in One” installation.

The diagram below is an example of an All-in-One installation with a single platform.


Small Scale Installation

In this example of a Small Scale installation, a separate SQL Database Server is used. All web back-end components, including the Application Server, the Web Console and the Website Categorization module (if used) are on a single machine. The file share that is used to store the recorded images may also be located on the same machine. The SQL Database Server is used to store the database.

The diagram below is an example of a Small Scale installation with a separate SQL Database Server.

Related Topic:

Installation Architectures