mini Admin Dashboard

ObserveIT administrators can view the mini Admin Dashboard (located at the upper left of the Web Console) from every page in the Web Console. Its colored icons indicate at-a-glance the ObserveIT Agents' operational statuses, thereby providing a quick preview to the system health. ObserveIT administrators can quickly access the full Admin Dashboard by clicking on the mini Admin Dashboard. This enables the administrators to drill down quickly to further details to identify the root cause of a problem and respond accordingly.

The colored icons on the mini Admin Dashboard indicate data from the past 7 days, including when relevant, the number of:

Installed/uninstalled Agents (in the above example there are 6)

Agents with errors (in the above example there are 2)

Agents that have been tampered with in the past 7 days (in the above example there is 1)

For a description of the icons and colored severity levels, see Colored Severity Levels and Icons.