Custom Integrations

Custom Integrations

You can use the following methods to integrate ObserveIT data:

  • ObserveIT Restful API: This is the preferred method for building integrations. You can pull reports, update rule lists, start and stop recordings, and more. You can view the public API browser to explore available endpoints.

    To link to the ObserveIT Developer Portal, click here.

  • CEF Logs: Use CEF logs to integrate with SIEMs or other log aggregation systems.

    See Integration using CEF Logs.

  • Service Desk Service: Build a Web service to create a custom Service Desk integration to track remote sessions with a unique ticket number.

    See Integrating ObserveIT with a Service Desk System.

To decide which method you want to use to build your integration, you can review the capabilities chart below. See if the RESTful API or CEF logs best meets your needs.

See ObserveIT Data Integration.