Steps for Performing a Free Text Search
Following is an overview of the steps required to perform a free text search.
For a faster search experience, it is highly recommended that you install the Full Text Search (FTS) utility of Microsoft SQL Server before installing ObserveIT. When you open the Search page, and the FTS utility is not installed or is installed but not running, a message will be displayed advising you to install it.
To run a free text search
Click the Search tab of the Web Console.
- In the Search for free text field, enter the text string/keyword/ticket number/alert ID, depending on the selected data type in the next step.
The FTS utility enables you to search for text strings of full words or word prefixes, in any order; it cannot search for word suffixes or single characters.
If you are searching for data within an In-App element, the Application/Website drop-down list is displayed instead of the Search for free text field.
In the Search within field, select the type of data you are looking for.
- By default, the search mechanism will run on data accumulated within the last 3 days. If required, you can further filter your search criteria by clicking
to expand the search filter options in order to:
Specify a time period for your search.
Specify the name of the the user who logged in to the session(s) you are searching for.
Specify the endpoint(s) on which the sessions were recorded.
- Click the Search button.
The search results will be displayed according to the criteria you defined.