Upgrading Unix/Linux Agents
Agents can be upgraded on the following Unix/Linux-based servers:
Oracle Linux
SLES (SuSE Linux enterprise Server)
Amazon Linux
For a list of the currently supported versions for each of the above Unix/Linux-based platforms, see Supported Platforms.
Most features, functions, and capabilities of ObserveIT 7.10.3 are compatible with earlier versions of the ObserveIT Agent. However, you should avoid using Agents that have an earlier version than the server-side components. In order to maintain full feature compatibility, it is highly recommended that you upgrade your Agents to the most current version of the product.
If you have an Agent earlier than version 5.8.3, uninstall it, and then install version 7.x.x.
The upgrade procedure for all currently supported Unix/Linux Agents is identical, except for the name of the package.
The following procedure provides an example of an Ubuntu version 12.04 Agent upgrade.
To upgrade a Unix/Linux Agent
Obtain the ObserveIT Agent installation file and copy it to the server(s).
Log in to the target server with root permissions. Alternatively, use the pfexec command.
Run the ls –l command and verify that the file has execute permissions (-rwxr-xr-x). Otherwise, use chmod +x for the Agent’s file name.
Run the command:
./observeit-agent-Ubuntu-12.04-precise- -- -i
Upgrade output example:
Verifying archive integrity... Done.
Uncompressing ....
The oit package is already installed; it will now be upgraded.
auditing service stop/waiting
Successfully unregistered this machine
The configuration file is left intact and can be reused in the future
Removing previous installation of the oit agent
Installing observeit agent
auditing service started/running
ssh stop/waiting
ssh start/running, process 28148
To close the current session, type exit or press CTRL+D. Then, open a new session.