Session Report Configuration

This topic describes the Sessions metadata that you can select to be included in relevant reports. (See Selecting Data to Include in the Report).

For detailed instructions on the steps required to create a report, see Creating a Custom Report.

When creating an Endpoints type report, you can specify the following Endpoint, Session, and User fields to be displayed as columns in the report:

Type Column Description


Session Start Date and Time

Date and time (from server) the session started.

Session Start Date and Time (local endpoint time)

Date and time (from local endpoint) the session started.

Client IP Address

IP address of the client computer connected to the endpoint.

Client Name

Name of the client computer connected to the endpoint.

Slides Count

Number of slides in the session.

Session Video

Session video recordings.

Session End Date and Time

Date and time the session ended.

Is Session Live

Session recording is "live".

Machine Name

Name of machine on which Agent software is installed.

Session End Time

Time (from server) the session ended.

Session End Time (local endpoint time)

Time (from local endpoint) the session ended.

Session Start Time

Time (from server) the session started.

Session Start Time (local endpoint time)

Time (from local endpoint) the session started.

Session End Date

Date (from server) the session ended.

Session End Date (local endpoint time)

Date (from local server) the session ended.

Session Start Date

Date (from server) the session started.

Session Start Date (local endpoint time)

Date (from local endpoint) the session started.

See also