Trusting a Digital Certificate

When a digital certificate is issued from your internal CA or you are using a self-signed digital certificate, you must make sure that the computers running the ObserveIT Agent that connect to the ObserveIT Application server are properly configured to trust the Digital Certificate. Unless these computers are members of the Active Directory domain in which you have installed your internal CA, they will not automatically trust your internal CA, and your connection will fail. In this case, when a computer running the ObserveIT Agent tries to connect to the ObserveIT Application Server, the computer will not trust the CA from where the Digital Certificate was obtained, and will refuse the connection.

To enable the computers that are running the ObserveIT Agent to trust your digital certificate source, you must import the root CA digital certificate (or the self-signed digital certificate) to each client computer. After importing the digital certificate, the computer will trust that source and communication through SSL/TLS will be allowed.

version 7.10.1