Troubleshooting Mac Agents

In the Agents portal of the Admin Dashboard you can view the status of all Mac Agents in the system. From this dashboard, you can easily identify and troubleshoot problematic Agents in the system. You can view their operational statuses and system events in order to identify the causes and respond accordingly. For more details, see Agents and System Events.

If you are unable to troubleshoot Agents directly from the Admin Dashboard, or for some reason an Agent does not appear in the Admin Dashboard (possibly due to a connection error), then you can use the oitcons utility to check the problem.

Note the following:

In case of problems with Agent installation or uninstallation, you can create logs containing all the messages that were generated during the installation/uninstallation, and send them to ObserveIT support.

  • The installation log will be stored in the directory: /tmp/IT_install.log
  • The uninstallation log will be stored in the directory: /tmp/OIT_uninstall.log.

The ObserveIT Logger processes are responsible for the live recording component for each user session. When a user logs in on a Mac machine, the logger is started and begins recording user actions. It collects the metadata and screenshots for every user session. The logger then sends the information to the ObserveIT Application Server for processing and storage.

Troubleshooting Unix/Linux Agents using the Local Console Utility "oitcons"

The oitcons utility is an ObserveIT tool for performing Mac Agent processes, such as query interception status, debugging, and logging.

You can use the oitcons utility to run some basic logger tests.

The obitd service and interception module logs are stored in the obit.log file. By running oitcons -dbg, the obit.log is activated.

To run the "oitcons" utility

  • Run the command:

    /Library/IT/agent/oitcons -h

    Console usage:

    oitcons <switch> [<options>]



-r [pkg] <Server Name/URL> [-p <Password>]

Register to server with optional password.

-u [pkg] [-p <Password>]

Unregister from server with optional password.

-d <debug level> <service name>

Set debug level between 0-7 (default is 3) for the servic.


Show Mac OS version information.


Show com.observeit.pkg.agent package information.


Show application server information.

-osinfo Show Mac platform information.


Show application server information.


Show -pkginfo -serviceinfo -serverinfo information.


Restart - restart OIT services.


Run the command

Registering the Agent

/Library/OIT/agent/oitcons -r

Usage: oitcons -r <Serever hostname or IP > <-p>


 -r      register. 

 -p      password (optional)  

Unregistering the Agent

/Library/OIT/agent/oitcons -u

Usage: oitcons -u <-p>


 -u      unregister

 -p      password (optional)

Restarting ObserveIT services

/Library/OIT/agent/oitcons -service

Usage: oitcons -service -restart


 -restart      restart the ObserveIT services

Checking or setting the service debug

/Library/OIT/agent/oitcons -d - h

Usage: oitcons -d <level> <service name>


 -<level>     loglevel, parameters can have the following values:

0: System is unusable

1: Action must be taken immediately

2: Critical conditions

3: Error conditions

4: Warning conditions

5: A normal, but significant condition

6: Informational

7: Debug level messages


Components to debug:

Override all services

Accessibility Check

Alert Service

App Wrapper

Configuration Service

FSE Service

FSE Events

FSE Offline Send Service

FSE Manager Service

HB Service

HM Service

HM Collector


Offline Service

Offline Send Service


Status Bar

Status Bar Offline

If using a high debug log level, make sure it is used to catch only a specific action, since debug level checking can cause a lot of debug activity from many processes. The debug level check should not be used for longer than the time required to collect debug info for a specific problem or action.

version 7.10.1