Checking an Agent's Health Status - Unix/Linx

This topic describes how to check an installed Agent's registration and health status for Unix/Linux systems.

To check an installed Agent's registration and health status

  1. Run the command:


    The results should look like this (on a CentOS Linux-based supported platform):

    Detected platform: Linux - "CentOS release 5.9 (Final)"

    Check for oit package: PASS


    Check for obitd service: PASS

    STATUS: obitd (pid 11990 11987 11982) is running...

    Check that obitd daemon running: PASS

    Check for /opt/observeit/agent/run directory: PASS

    Check for /opt/observeit/agent/conf/obit.conf: PASS



    Checking for registration by remote app server: PASS

    Checking for Obit basic interception linkage: PASS

    Checking SELinux status:

    STATUS: disabled

  2. If all the checks passed successfully, you may begin using the ObserveIT Agent. All the remote user actions, such as, SSH, Telnet, rlogin, and so on, local console, and X-Console sessions, will now be recorded.

To begin recording user actions that are performed on the monitored servers

  1. Close the current session (which was used to perform the Agent installation, if it is still open).

  2. Open a new SSH session to the monitored server.

To view the recorded sessions

  • Use the ObserveIT Web Console.


version 7.10.1