Profile Data Terms and Concepts

The following attributes and concepts are used in the User Activity Profile:



Profile period

The Profile period is displayed in the top right corner of the User Activity Profile screen.

The default profile period is 3 months (i.e., 90 days).

Profile data is collected on a daily basis from the beginning of the profile period. If the profile data collection was begun on a specific date, the displayed profile period shows when the collection of activity data began; for example, Profile data is available since: 01/31/2017.

Default display period

The default period of time for which the profile data is displayed.

Profile Status

User profiles are automatically rebuilt based on available metadata during the Profile period. As soon as the user profile metadata is available, the profile period date is displayed.

User working time

Elapsed time between the first and last user activity for each calendar day. Note that idle time (i.e., time of no activity) is included.

Inactivity (idle) time

Total time (during the "user working time") that the user was not active, i.e., did not generate any activity on any endpoint. The user might still be working (e.g., phone calls, meetings) but did not interact with any recorded applications.

User active time

Time (during a calendar day) that the user interacted with any endpoint generating some activity.

Active time can also be calculated by subtracting "inactivity (idle) time" from "user working time".

version 7.10.1